8 Things Your Cat Really Loves

8 Things Your Cat Really Loves

Cats can have a long list of likes (and, perhaps, an equally long list of dislikes!) because they are such intelligent, sentient creatures. Your cat will typically enjoy fresh, delicious food, extended naps in comfortable spots, and an abundance of enjoyable activities, just as you would.

Similar to humans, cats‘ interests can shift with age, so while they may love their feathered toy one day, they may find it boring the next. Recognizing when your cat’s interests shift is your responsibility as a kitty parent in order to maintain her happiness, well-being, and engagement. These eight cat “likes” are a great place to start, though of course likes can differ from cat to cat.

Cats Enjoy Snuggling Up

Cats are known to love to sleep. The average cat naps for a staggering 12 to 16 hours every day! Cats are nocturnal animals, so it’s understandable that they spend the most of the day sleeping. Everyone enjoys taking a nice, long nap in a comfortable location.
Remember that older cats and kittens will sleep longer than an adolescent cat. However, discuss what’s typical for your cat’s breed, age, activity level, and size with your veterinarian if you’re concerned that he’s sleeping too much or too little.

Cats Enjoy Being Well-groomed and Grooming

Did you know that adult cats groom themselves for about half of their waking lives? Grooming is obviously a big deal in a cat’s life!
Cats take such a long time grooming for a few reasons:

  • It maintains them tidy. Grooming keeps cats hidden from predators and prey, in addition to helping them remove dirt and grime from their coats. How? Any odors their coats have absorbed are eliminated by licking them.
  •  It promotes the health of their coat and skin. Frequent brushing helps to keep a cat’s coat hydrated, shiny, and healthy by spreading out the natural oils produced by her skin and fur.
  • It eases their tension. I mean, what could be more soothing than a massage? Well, cats have the same emotions! Instead of going to a masseuse, they just take care of themselves to de-stress and become calm.
  •  It strengthens their bonds with other cats. Cats groom humans as well as each other in order to deepen and improve their relationship. It’s common to witness cats grooming one another in awkward spots.
  • It helps them to relax. People perspire. Dogs have panting. Cats groom themselves. Cats use saliva to dampen their fur to stay cool when it’s extremely hot outside.

Although not every cat enjoys having his humans groom him, if yours does, try using a rubber or natural bristle brush to brush his fur. It will feel incredibly soothing and remove any residue from his fur.

Cats Enjoy Eating Healthful, Fresh Food

You wouldn’t likely want to tuck into a large plate of rancid food for dinner. Your cat is in the same boat. Not only does spoiled and stale food taste bad, but it can also harbor various bacteria, including Salmonella and Staphylococcus, and grow mold.
Make sure to verify the expiration dates on both wet and dry food whenever you serve your cat. This will guarantee that the meals you give her are safe, wholesome, and fresh.

Cats adore flowing water

If you own a cat, you are aware that they will attempt to sip water from running faucets whenever the chance arises. Luckily, there are plenty of drinking fountains available that are made specifically for cats, so they can always have access to cool, fresh, running water.
Unbelievably, some cat breeds enjoy playing in the water. If your cat enjoys making splashes, consider adding a few inches of water to a kiddie pool or bathtub for her to play in. On especially hot days, this will help her cool off and get a little exercise.

Cats enjoy clawing and scratching

Cats have an innate desire to sharpen their claws by repeatedly scratching and grabbing various surfaces. They also happen to find great joy in it.
Cats can relax and rejuvenate themselves by scratching, in addition to honing their claws. Consider it the human equivalent of taking a long, relaxing stretch when your muscles are sore or fatigued. A little scratching on a cat tree or scratching post can instantly rouse a sleepy cat.

Cats Enjoy Playing Every Day

For cats, playing is an important part of their lives, from kittenhood to old age. A cat can be amused with anything, from lint to tricked-out cat toys, so it doesn’t take much, but entertainment is essential to a cat’s growth and well-being. Playtime keeps them active, interested, and content in addition to taking them back to their prey-stalking, hunting, and capturing days in the wild.
Though there are literally hundreds of thousands of cat toys available, your cat might also enjoy playing games like hide-and-seek. Regardless of the type of play your cat prefers, it’s crucial to sneak in a few minutes each day.

Cats Enjoy Observing Birds

Cats curled up on windowsills are a common sight. Why? It’s an excellent place to go bird watching! Some cats can spend hours observing birds every day, whether it’s because they’re prey or just because the movement catches their interest.
If your cat enjoys curled up by windows, especially if her fur is light in color, make sure to shield her skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Try to restrict her time spent by the window between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its strongest, and ask your veterinarian about sunscreens that are suitable for kitties.

Cats Adore Their People

Despite the common perception of cats as solitary creatures, they actually require affection, care, and company—and they love to receive it from their owners. Cats say “I love you” in a slightly different way than we humans do.
Purring, bunting (or resting her head on you), sleeping on or close to you, rubbing on you, meowing, licking, and even sticking her butt in your face are some indications that your cat is in love. Indeed, in a true sense.

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