How to Accurately Determine Your Cat’s Age?

How to Accurately Determine Your Cat's Age

If your new cat came to you via adoption or rescue, you might not know how old they are. Although it’s not totally true, you may have heard that a cat’s year is equal to a human’s seven years. Of course, you can usually tell by looking at your new cat whether it is an adult or a kitten, but even so, there’s still a lot of speculation. The best method to figure out a cat’s age is to see a reputable veterinarian who can assess the cat’s teeth, eyes, fur, and general maturity to estimate its age. However, keep in mind that your veterinarian can only estimate your cat’s age; they are unable to determine an exact age.


Teeth are a great way to gauge a kitten’s age because they erupt between two and four weeks of age. By the time the kitten is three or four months old, the permanent teeth—also known as deciduous teeth—will have begun to reposition the baby teeth, which are still growing above the baby teeth. By the time a cat reaches six months of age, all of its adult teeth are usually erupted, so age can no longer be determined by growth.

The amount of tartar, or staining, on an older cat’s teeth can also be used as a gauge of age. Tartar, however, might not be a reliable indication given the accessibility of pet dental cleaning products, contingent on the caregiver’s level of diligence in implementing a dental care regimen for the feline. Additionally, your veterinarian will check the cat’s teeth for wear and tear; the older the cat, the more likely it is that its teeth will be worn down. That being said, this is merely a very broad guideline for figuring out a cat’s age. As a result, although teeth can be a reliable indicator of a cat or kitten’s age, they are not infallible.

Mature Sexual Behavior

While a cat you adopt from a shelter or animal rescue is probably already spayed or neutered when you brought it home, an intact cat can give you some indication of how old it is based on its sexual maturity.
Male cats can mature sexually as early as six months of age. Puberty is indicated by more pronounced testicles and territorial urine spraying. If you look at the back of the cat, where the testicles are located beneath the anus, you will notice them.

The first heat, or estrus cycle, in female cats usually occurs between the ages of 5 and 9 months, though the timing of the cycle is also somewhat influenced by the cat’s weight and the amount of daylight. A female cat will vocally and visibly indicate that it is in the estrous phase. The most fertile period for a female cat is between 18 months and 8 years, but depending on fertility, general health, and access to intact male cats, it can become impregnated much earlier or later.

Nonetheless, early spay and neuter is now recommended by many veterinarians. It not only lessens the likelihood of early births, which are harder on the moms and the kittens, but it also seems to make the surgery itself easier on the younger cats. This can make figuring out a cat’s age more difficult.

Coat Creation

A cat’s coat will become thicker and coarser as it ages, but a kitten’s fur or hair is delicate and baby-fine. It might also change hue, going from a lighter to a darker shade. Similar to what happens to humans as they age, a cat that reaches senior status may even start to show patches of individual white or gray hairs. The coat aids a veterinarian in estimating a cat’s age, though it cannot accurately determine its age.

Furthermore, a cat’s ability to groom itself can provide insight into its age. Cats are exceptionally clean animals, but as they get older and gain weight, or if they have dental issues that cause pain in their mouth, or if they have arthritis that makes it difficult for them to perform the typical twists and turns involved in feline self-grooming, they may start to neglect their coat maintenance.


The eyes of healthy kittens and early adult cats are bright and clear, showing no signs of tearing or discharge. However, as cats age, their eyes may start to appear cloudy and may even start to tear or discharge. The cat usually has to be at least ten years old for this to occur. The colored portion of a cat’s eye, known as the iris, frequently changes in older cats. If the cat is exposed to light, its iris may not open and close as much as it did when it was younger or it may take on a wavy edge.

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