Is Your Apartment Cat-Friendly?

Apartment Cat-Friendly

The size of their homes is one of the most common queries posed by potential cat owners. There are no simple, quick fixes. It is safe to say, though, that practically any breed of cat can live quite contentedly and comfortably in a small studio apartment. If its human companion ignores it, a 5,000 square foot home can also be a miserable and lonely place for it. These are the things to think about:

Disinterest and Communication

Cats, no matter how small, can stay active and interested in their surroundings as long as their human companion makes the time to play and cuddle with them every day. They are not the “loners” that some people think them to be. After all, isn’t this the main reason you’re considering getting a cat?

Holding Odors from Litter Boxes

Three factors control the odor of the litter box:

  1. Selecting high-quality cat food with minimal grain fillers will typically result in less foul-smelling stool.
  2. Cleanliness of the litter box: Even in a tiny bathroom, a litter box that is kept immaculately clean won’t emit overpowering smells. (If space is at a premium, there are attractive litter box enclosures available that can pass for furniture to guests.)
  3. Having lots of litter boxes: One extra box for every cat is a good rule of thumb. Therefore, a single cat should have two litter boxes in their home (or apartment).
Apartment Cat-Friendly
Apartment Cat-Friendly

Accidents and Messes

It is unlikely that your cat will venture outside the litter box if you clean it on a regular basis. If it does, even with immaculately clean boxes, think about scheduling a visit with a veterinarian. The most frequent medical reasons for outside-the-box mishaps in older cats are urinary tract infections (UTIs) or chronic renal failure.

For cats, UTIs should be treated as a medical emergency. In addition to urinating outside the box, common symptoms of what is also known as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder (FLUTD) include:

  • Trying not to pee
  • Crying or meowing inside the litter box
  • genital licking that is excessive
  • Urine containing blood

Cats’ Cystitis

Another excruciating reason why cats urinate outside the box is cystitis. It can cause excruciating pain when urinating and has several causes. When cats contract cystitis, they must receive treatment right away. Urinary tract issues are a common reason cats visit veterinarians, which is not surprising.

Cats’ urinary tracts require acidic urine to be healthy. Here, there is a direct correlation with the pH of cat food. There is some disagreement among experts regarding the upper range, but generally speaking, it falls between 6.0 and 6.5. (The urine becomes more acidic the lower the pH.) The growth of struvites, or crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate, can occur at pH values higher than these. Crystals of calcium oxalate can form at pH values lower than 6.0.

Time Indoors vs. Outside

The “fresh air and sunshine” fallacy is something that you should avoid. Countless felines lead lengthy and contented lives solely indoors, provided they receive the necessary physical activity through engaging in interactive play with a human caregiver. Safer options exist, depending on how your apartment is set up. If your landlord gives the okay, you can screen off a balcony or teach your cat to walk on a leash when you go outside.

Possess a Variety of Toys

Several play-alone toys will help your cat feel less lonely when you are gone from home during the times you won’t be with it. They also don’t have to be pricey. It’s been reported that cats adore both catnip bananas and Yeowww Catnip Cigars. For cats, even paper shopping bags make excellent, cost-free toys. They enjoy digging nests out of them. Just be sure to remove the handles before beginning.

The Quick Response

The square footage of your apartment is not nearly as important as the amount of love and positive attention your cat receives.

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